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Crochet Plush Teddy Bear Amigurumi PDF Free Pattern

Crochet Plush Teddy Bear Amigurumi Free Pattern (4)

Hello friends. Today I will share a cute teddy bear amigurumi pattern. But first I want to say this. Please don’t forget to share my content. I am very happy when you share and like the content. Now let’s get back to our topic. Today we will make crochet plush teddy bear amigurumi. The teddy bear was made as an example in 2 different colors. I like you too.

The teddy bear pattern is quite long and detailed. If you are a beginner, this can be a little tiring for you. Also, such patterns can be a bit boring for beginners. The teddy bear is made using velvet yarn. For this reason, it looks very soft and cute. Now let’s crochet teddy bear amigurumi step by step.

PDF Crochet Plush Velvet Teddy Bear Amigurumi Free Pattern

Designer: jackie_toys
Youtube: jackie_toys


1. YarnArt Velor yarn (100 g / 170 m) color 852 (brown) or 843 (beige)
2. Hook No:3
3. Spout on a secure mount 0.8-1 CM
4. Eyes with a diameter of 6 mm
5. Plastic joints with a diameter of 15-20 mm – 3 pcs.
6. Thin white yarn or white floss
7. Super strong thread to match the base yarn
8. Filler holofiber or synthetic fluff
9. Wide-eye needle, large needle
10. Scissors
11. Pins
12. Superglue
13. Marker to mark the end of the row.
When using the specified materials, the size.
finished toy about 17 cm.


MR: Amigurumi Magic ring
sc : Single Crochet
inc : Increase
dec : Decrease
trc : Triple Crochet/ Treble Crochet
st: Stitch
dc : Double Crochet
hdc: Half Double Crochet
slst : Slip Stitch
ch : Chain
..in : make increase into same stitch as many as the number which is given in front of “inc” abbreviation (exp; 3inc, 4inc..).
FLO : Crochet into front loops only
BLO : Crochet into back loops only

Crochet Plush Teddy Bear Amigurumi Free Pattern (2)

Legs (2 pcs):

1. We collect a chain of 4 ch. Starting from the second loop from the hook: sc, sc, 3 sc into the last loop. On the other side of the chain: sc, 2 sc on the last loop (8)
2. inc, sc, 3 inc, sc, 2 inc (14)
3. inc, 3 sc, 4 inc, 3 sc, 3 inc (22)
4. inc, 5 sc, 2 inc, 2 sc, 2 inc, 5 sc, 2 inc, 2 sc, inc (30)
5. 30 sc (30)
6. 8 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc, 2 dec (22)
7. 22 sc (22)
8. 5 sc, 6 dec, 5 sc (16)
9. 16 sc (16)
10. (6 sc+dec)*2 (14)
We fill the leg.
11, 12, 13 – 14 sc (14). We continue to stuff the leg.
14. (5 sc+dec)*2 (12)
We insert a joint between 12 and 13 next to the center of the side of the leg, which will be adjacent to the body.
15. 6 dec (6). We fill the leg to the end.
Slst, cut off the thread and tighten the remaining hole with the tip of the thread.


1. Chain of 2 ch, in the second loop from the hook we crochet 6 sc (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (1 sc+inc)*6 (18)
4. (2 sc+inc)*6 (24)
5. (3 sc+inc)*6 (30)
6. (4 sc+inc)*6 (36)
7-11. 36 sc (36)
12. (4 sc+dec)*6 (30)
13. 30 sc (30)
We insert the legs on the joints on the sides of the body between the 6th and 7th rows from the beginning of knitting of the body. We snap the joints.
14. (8 sc+dec)*3 (27)
15. 27 sc (27)
16. (7 sc+dec)*3 (24)
We stuff the body.
17. 24 sc (24)
18. (2 sc+dec)*6 (18). We continue to fill the body.
19. (1 sc+dec)*6 (12). We stuff the upper body tightly.
20. 6 dec. We insert the joint and tie it around, making decreases.


1. A chain of two ch, in the second loop from the hook we knit 6 sc (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (1 sc+inc)*6 (18)
4,5. 18 sc (18)
6. 6 sc, 6 inc из hdc, 6 sc (24)
7. sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, (1hdc + inc)*6, sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc (36)
8, 9. 36 sc (36). At the end of the 9th row, we make a hole for the leg of the joint: we do not knit the last column of the 9th row, instead we make one ch here, step over this column and cling to the next – the first sc of the 10th row.
10, 11, 12. 36 sc (36)
We insert the spout between the 2nd and 3rd row in the center, the eyes on the 6th row at a distance of 2.5-3 cm.
13. (4 sc+dec)*6 (30)
14. (3 sc+dec)*6 (24). We stuff the nose, attach the head to the body with the joint, snap the joint.
15. (2 sc+dec)*6 (18). We stuff our head.
16. (1 sc+dec)*6 (12). We continue to stuff our heads.
17. 6 decrease. We fix the thread, tighten the hole.

Ears (2 pcs):

1. A chain of two ch, in the second loop from the hook we knit 6 sc (6)
2. 5 inc (10). Slst, fasten and cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing.
Sew on the ears between the 10th and 11th row.

Arms (2 pcs):

1. A chain of two ch, in the second loop from the hook we knit 6 sc (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (3 sc+inc)*3 (15)
4. 5 sc, dec, 8 sc (14)
5. (5 sc+dec)*2 (12)
6. 5 sc, dec, 5 sc (11)
7. 4 sc, dec, 5 sc (10). We fill the bottom of the foot a little.
8. 4 sc, dec, 4 sc (9)
9, 10, 11. 9 sc (9)
12. 3 sc, dec, 4 sc (8)
13. 8 sc (8). Slst, ch, cut off the thread, leave a small tip. We sew the upper edge of the foot with it. Sew the handles on the sides of the body with super strong thread.


1. A chain of two ch, in the second loop from the hook we knit 6 sc (6)
2. (1 sc+inc)*3 (9).
3. (1 sc+dec)*3 (6). Slst, fasten and cut the thread, leaving the end for sewing.
Sew on the tail in the center of the back at the level of 5 or 6 rows.

Crochet Plush Teddy Bear Amigurumi Free Pattern (1)

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  • Fabulous pattern I actually made it using size 10 thread and a 1.25mm hook to make a pocket size bear. I did not use ‘joints’ but it worked just fine. Thank you for making this pattern available.

  • PS, I think there may be one error and that is where you mention a “ch 1 and skip the next stitch” in row 9 to accommodate a leg….I think you must be referring to where the body will attach to the head.

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